Sunday, May 31, 2009


I went to the John Little Expo Sale yesterday with KS, and we came out with 4 items totalling $75. He was shopping for stuff for our Redang trip, and i was just seeing what i could get.

I basically went crazy over Animal stuff. KS bought me this bag yesterday. Was $69, now $29. It's green :D I was contemplating buying this or another bigger nicer bag which was $89 slashed to $29 so it was much more worth it, then decided that i didn't really need such a big bag.

But then i couldn't get that bag out of my mind. It was hot pink on black and super nice. So i decided to go back again to get it. When i went back with Quil, there was only one piece left, and i realised it wasn't nice as i thought it was. Instead, i got the same bag in a different colour/design, which is the one above. It's huge; i'm using it for my trip later as well as Taiwan :) The colours are actually brighter than in the picture. Was $89, now $39.

And yes, my wall is dark pink. Deal with it.

They had NUM stuff on sale too. I got Justin this shirt. Was $49, now $25.

I actually didn't get this pair of shoes from the Expo sale. I saw it there first, but they didn't have my size so i decided not to get it. A little sad though, because i like it quite a lot. Then when i went back to White Sands to get dinner, they were having a sale there, and i spotted this pair of shoes again. They had my size! See, what should be mine will eventually be mine anyway xP

I also bought a pair of Animal shorts [was $59, now $19], but i've already packed it in that huge bag of mine, so i'll post pictures when i get back from the trip :)


Ever walked into a place that used to be as familiar as home, only to realise that you've become a complete stranger? Was it the place that changed, or was it you?


Make one mistake. Be condemned for life.


Some things i'll never forget [just some thoughts i had this morning when i woke up].

When Yuxiu came to have lunch with me last year, when i was working at Novena Square. I was in a whole new environment and trying to get used to it, and the familiarity she provided was very comforting. It was probably just a small thing to her; she'd only dropped by while going to Orchard, but i was really grateful for her company for that short hour.

When Sharon cycled over to my place one night, and we just lay on the slides at the playground, looking up at the sky, and talked about life, goals and aspirations. The things she said really made me think.

When Yvonne called me before i went on my Hong Kong trip a few years back. She told me i just had to hold on to the phone. She prayed for my safety. I'm not sure if this is something she does for all her friends, but i was really touched.

When i was very young, probably about 7 years old, and lying in bed one night. I overheard my parents quarrelling. My mom said, "One day, i'm going to divorce you." She kept her word.

I have too many memories with my top 7 to single out any one to mention. Sorry.


House =/= home.


House session soon :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yes, i've started training for it. I know it's a little late, especially since i'm taking forever to progress, but i'm gonna do it no matter what. Here's my plan to train up, as well as to keep fit and lose some weight.

Monday: Swim
Tuesday: Jog
Wednesday: Not sure yet. Maybe House :D
Thursday: Jog
Friday: Swim
Saturday: House
Sunday: Cycle

It's just a tentative plan, but i hope it'll work out. I've been jogging on Tuesdays and Thursdays already, and i'm planning to swim at my uncle's condo. Hope they allow guests to use the pool frequently =/

As for cycling, KS and i have a few plans in mind. This weekend we're gonna start by cycling to Changi Beach. The next time we'll probably cycle to East Coast through the Bedok park connectors like we did previously. And after that, probably East Coast via Changi, which is a longer way. See how la :)

Since i've only got 3 months, i can only make a rough plan for now. 7km by mid-June, 14km by mid-July, so by mid-August which is the run, i should be able to do it fine. Not fantastically, but at least i'll probably finish before they end the whole race.

Diet-wise i'm trying to cut down on carbohydrates, as well as have smaller meals throughout the day. It's not exactly working now since i keep meeting up with friends for dinner and we'll always eat a lot. Oh well.

It's almost Wednesday. Mid-week already :)

Will be at Redang next week, so it's gonna be sun, sea, and snorkelling!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Okay, so i know we should all move in when we're in an MRT or a bus, but i don't think it's that difficult trying to maintain a comfortable distance between you and the person next to you.

I mean, if i can do that without holding on to a railing/handle, why is it that the person next to me, who's holding on to the railing, manages to keep brushing her arm against mine, no matter how i continuously move away? The more i move away, the more she advances. It's not even like she can't feel it. It's skin against skin. Unless her nerves are dead or something. Gah.

I'm fine with people standing very close to me. I'm even okay with clothes-to-clothes, or clothes-to-skin. But NOT skin-to-skin [unless people happen to be squashed against me while they're trying to let others pass]. That's too close for comfort.


By the end of the whole train ride i wanted to beat someone up -.- If i asked KS, he'd probably let me whack him. I'm not sure about now though; we often wrestle for fun, but the only time we actually sparred [which was ages ago and will probably never happen again] i just stood there like a block and he was happily kicking away. It was in front of the entire class and it was unfair. He's black and i was what - green at that time?

Blah. Anyway. I don't like talking about our TKD history -.- Which is, unfortunately, where we met, so it's unavoidable. Ugh.


Sunday, May 24, 2009


Went to Sentosa with the babes today. No photo post because we agreed to keep the photos confidential.

Anyway after a few random conversations about F.R.I.E.N.D.S, i decided to take several quizzes to see which character i would be most like, since i think i don't quite fit any of the stereotypes. Here are the results.

Joey: 3
Chandler: 6
Ross: 0
Rachel: 0
Monica: 1
Phoebe: 0


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

To the people i love.

I may hurt you sometimes, but in return, i'll kill anyone else who tries to harm you.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just some random stuff.

Some trashy photos that i had since ages ago, that i didn't bother to take out of my phone since i was too lazy.

Kintala locks. Look at his forelegs.

Went out last Saturday with KS and had dinner at this Jap food place at Suntec. I can't remember the name. But as you can see, the portions are huge. Oh, that day happened to be our 4 year 8 months. The fella decided to pull a, "Oh i knew that, that's why we came out for dinner today." Shows how boring our normal weekends are, and how much we bother to remember those month-iversaries.

And some other updates about life.

Work has been fine. A good balance of working time and time to play Sudoku. A mix of Libera and Daishi Dance songs keep me alive most of the time.

Life gets shitty at times, but it'll pass. For example last Friday. I had a crappy morning, lots of work to do, and was gonna buy lunch back to the office to eat. Quil wasn't very happy and i'm not sure if he's still pissed at me now because he hasn't spoken to me since then, even though i apologised to him already through an offline message [only because i was gonna go out, and i wanted to do it ASAP].

The weekend felt longer than usual. Maybe because i spent Friday night with KS, although he had to study. And then he came over again on Saturday for dinner and spent a bit more time with me because i was complaining that i only saw him once a week - worse than the times he was in NS three years ago. I also had a storytelling training at the library that day, and i've signed up for 4 sessions of storytelling at Pasir Ris library. Hmmm.

It's nice to still be able to see my friends now that i'm working. Celebrated Yuxiu's birthday with poly friends, see Quil everyday when we go to work, bumped into Danny and Ivy [Studio Wu] on separate occasions on the way to/from work, dinnered with Sam babe, etc.

Speaking of friends, i haven't watched the next few seasons of Friends that Sam lent me yet.

Work, and work.

Friday, May 15, 2009

You know...

When i came to the blogger page about an hour ago, i had the intention to do up a counter-checklist and tell the world about how fantastic life is for me, and how happy i was about today.

It's only one hour later and things have taken a 180 degree turn.

And that's how life is.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


- High partitions/closed concept office
- Corner of the office
- Closed blinds on windows so people can't see anything outside
- Old and cramped office
- Ancient computers
- Stacks of files taller than me
- Having to start work without an introduction to anyone or the place

Check. I'm officially in my nightmare.

Like i've been telling people - I went to the office on my first day and asked for the person i was supposed to see. She came out to get me, didn't even bother coming within 3 metres of me or giving me a handshake, and told me to follow her to my place, which was a complete corner of the office. Told me to stay there and wait for someone to come and teach me what to do.

That person came. No introduction, to her or the office, and she asked me to do work already. I only knew her name afterward because i heard someone else call her. She only remembered that she should show me where the ladies and the pantry was, after someone else reminded her.

The good thing was, i didn't have to do OT, which was a large improvement from my previous job. Large because besides the OT, this job starts half an hour later and ends an hour earlier than the previous one. In addition, i have company - another NTU Accountancy year 1 undergrad who started one day before i did. We've never seen each other in school, but we have common friends. New friend = makes things better.

Never mind. I always have a lot to complain whenever i start anything new.

On a brighter note, i spent much of yesterday with KS, and the later part of today with my family. I found Libera's CDs at a CD store at Suntec, and bought Eternal. Yay :) I also spent the earlier part of today watching Libera videos on Youtube, and doing research on them :D

I'll be there for you. 'Cause you're there for me too.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Whenever i'm packed to the brim with stuff to do, i always seem to want to do even more things, which i'm unable to because i don't have the time for it.

And then when i'm completely free, i don't feel like carrying out any of those plans i made before.

A LOL from today:
Chandler: Hah handle? That's my middle name! ...Well actually it's the middle part of my first name...

I'm officially addicted to Friends.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Going boyband crazy.

Except now it's a much smaller boyband. Smaller in terms of age, but not size of the group. I can't remember all of them yet; probably only about 10+ of them.

I absolutely love Tom Cully's voice. That's the soloist on the previous video i posted of them. And he's cute. He turns 14 this year. Talented boy who can sing, looks good, and has a funny personality. He'll be a girl-magnet when he grows up. No wait, he probably already is a girl-magnet.

Josh Madine looks like one of my cousins =/ And this boy's really cute too. He has a very endearing smile, so it's a good thing that he's always smiling.

There are a number of the boys that are seen more often - usually those soloists. I also like a few of the lesser seen ones, like Zack Lockett who was the smallest in the current choir [until they got a new batch of younger boys], and Jonathan Barrington. I haven't really heard JB, but he LOOKS really cute. I was wondering who he resembled the other day, and i realised it's JR, from K-One. It's the small eyes thing la.

Do search them up on Youtube if you have the time. You'll love them :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Quil's crap.

jiawei. says:
jie i m going nirvara
- -;

loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:
uh huh
it's nirvana by the way
jiawei. says:
no wonder when i entered only i m inside
the rest are in nirvana i m in nirvara

Another cool dream xD

There was a part about a T-rex chasing my friends and i, before it changed into some other kind of monster cloud... but that wasn't really the highlight.

In a subsequent part of the dream [or possibly another dream altogether; i don't know], i was schooling with Samantha in i think SMU or something. And we decided to skip lessons and go to Taiwan.


So there's this construction site somewhere down Raffles Place, where they had a single huge crane thing. And the construction site was labelled - Shihlin.


Like i said, the crane was huge right. So the two of us sat on the scoop of the crane, and it lifted us into the sky. And we were like flying in the clouds and there were bookshelves with books in the clouds, so we could keep ourselves entertained.


It was only like a few minutes later, and then we landed... right in Taiwan's Shihlin. I don't even know what it really looks like, but in my dream there were buildings that looked like housing flats, and a railway station. I was so excited.

And then my alarm clock rang.

Bloody hell i snoozed for 45 minutes after that trying to dream some more but didn't.

Maybe i'll have some other interesting things tonight.