Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some things about me

That you don't have to remember, but it would be good to.

1. My left eye tears. Don't ask why, it just does. Sometimes it can be to the extent that i only realise that i'm tearing after the tear rolls down my face. So if you see me crying for no particular reason, i'm probably not. And yes, my eyes are yellow, deal with it. I've also heard enough about it being signs that i'm unhealthy, so i don't need more reminders, thank you.

2. I don't eat vegetables. I used to eat long beans in omelette, but after i threw up in bed with all the bits of it, i never ate it anymore. However, i do eat mushrooms, potatoes, and seaweed. Not that any of them strictly qualify as vegetables. Yes, i am aware that they're my favourite colour, so?

3. I have no fingernails, but i still manage to scratch myself raw when i get insect bites and stuff. That's why i have all those scars all over me. Sometimes i can even scratch myself while i'm sleeping, by rubbing against the sheets. Having all these sores don't mean i'm dirty or anything; i shower at least once a day. It's just that when i have any bites, i scratch them and when they heal, they itch, so i scratch the surrounding area since i can't scratch the scab. And the cycle just goes on, and it spreads.

[I probably should go see a doctor, it seems like my health's in jeopardy after the accumulation of all of the above for years -.-]

4. I have 9 dresses and 7 skirts, and i do wear them whenever i get the chance. Which leads me to wonder why some people think i'm guyish. Fair enough, i did use to be [didn't wear a single skirt/dress in poly except once, which was a formal one and i was forced to]. Also, i dress functionally, so i'll only be wearing dresses/skirts when i'm sure i don't need to be doing any vigorous activity.

5. I whine. A lot. Mostly to my boyfriend.

Yes. I hope that reduces all the repetitive questions about me, so the next time someone asks about all these silly things i'll refer them here.

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