Monday, December 22, 2008


Just remembered that day at Danzation, during the intermission. Chris [the Locking guy from Korea], who had been sitting two rows down, came up to talk to me lol. That was after Robin [re]-introduced us. We met before but he forgot; not surprising, i'm sure he meets lots of people. So after a bit, i asked, "So what're you still doing here?"

He was like, "... Right. What am i still doing here. Thanks huh."

THEN i realised that it sounded like i was asking him how come he's still sitting next to me. -slaps forehead- Guh. I always end up saying something i don't mean. I was actually asking how come he was still in Singapore -.-

No wonder i often have miscommunication problems with my boy.

Anytheway. Had Soul Funky meeting with the Bboy club earlier. Had this whole crash course where the Bboys learnt our styles and we learnt theirs, for the sake of our performance. Lol. Say yay for eyecandies ^^

K. The end.

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