Thursday, December 18, 2008

Growing up.

First of all, happy 20th birthday to bestie Quil :) You're finally the same age as the rest of us!

Today made me think of a few things. Things don't just happen to other people. Like you see the news and go, "Oh, there's a flood." And you just see it from a third-person point of view, or aren't really concerned, because - what are the chances of it happening to you or someone close to you?

Until it actually does.

The older we get, the more responsibilities we assume. It moves from just doing homework that you're asked to do, to stuff like being the breadwinner for your family. And as i've previously mentioned before, it seems like age is directly proportionate to our perspective of fragility of life. Things can happen so suddenly you don't even know how it happened.

To quote the birthday boy - 'Life like this'.

Love you bros. And to the one who's missing from this picture, we miss you!

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