Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Yay :) Thanks to the vouchers i got from one of my relatives, and a discount at MPH, i got the book 'Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus' at less than $4. Woots!

Got several other prezzies from gift exchanges and stuff. One was a Mr. P lamp from KS's friend's traditional Christmas eve dinner-cum-gift exchange. Apparently Samantha got exactly the same thing, in the same colour, on the same day, through a similar gift exchange, and tested it out on the same morning as i did. From completely separate events.

This Christmas, i got some gift vouchers, some money, some Body Shop lotions [from different people], some chocolates, a red spag top, a pillow, a cap that says 'dancing' [although that wasn't exactly for Christmas; Sam and Dine got it from Taiwan] and a jar of stuff :) And the one above.

And a lot of time spent with loved ones <3 Just spent the whole day chilling with the babes today. I really can't wait till i get my phone so i can start spamming pictures!

Oh, speaking of phone. I went on the 24th to get my new phone from Red. Even prepared my old phone to trade-in and everything. They said they could transfer my number over from Green but had to ensure that i didn't have any contract with them anymore. Which i thought fine, because i had thought my contract with Green had ended long ago. To be sure, i went over to Green to check.

"Your contract expires on the 26th of December."

. . .

Dammit. Two freakin days -.-

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