Saturday, December 27, 2008

Woots! :D

I just got my 8 megapixel camera. It has phone functions integrated into it.

Yeah. It's not a camera in a phone; it's a phone in a camera.

I haven't gotten down to exploring its functions completely, since i've been charging it from the time i got back home, as well as getting calls from Brain [in total i've talked to him for about an hour over 3 phone calls today -.-].

Speaking of phone calls. I blogged about the day Quil got his new phone, and he called me and woke me up from my nap just to test out his new phone. And Benedict, who also got his new phone shortly after, decided to take a leaf out of Quil's book and do the same. Yet when i called them in return just now when i got my new phone, neither of them picked up.


Anyways. I shall make full use of my camera :D Let's go out!

Oh, and this is fresh out of the MSN convo i'm having with Quil right now -

jiawei. ` 2009. says:
[that was my phone number, i censored it to prevent unnecessary trouble]
jiawei. ` 2009. says:

loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:

jiawei. ` 2009. says:
"u only 3.2mp not fit to call me"
loretta. ` live. love. believe. says:

jiawei. ` 2009. says:
-hangs up-
jiawei. ` 2009. says:


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