Saturday, January 3, 2009


"Smell is your sixth sense. Also called clairessence (clear essence), you are a person who's very in tune with scent, from perfumes to flowers to toxic fumes. A person gifted with clairessence will often smell certain aromas even when the source cannot be found. Or you will associate certain people with certain scents. For example, if you are easily annoyed by a certain someone (ahem, younger sib?) you may pick up an unpleasant odor when he/she is around. Now, this might be due to some stinky laundry, but often it's something that's intuitive and only you can experience. Some even say that a clairessence will smell roses when a person has died or recovered from a bad illness. Hmm..."

Got this from some Facebook 'What is your sixth sense' quiz. Although of course, it's just a for-fun thing. But yes, i'm quite in tune with scent more than others. Like how some smells make me feel afraid, or excited. Don't know if it happens to everyone else as well though.

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