Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some time for relaxation.

Now that i'm done with living life like mad, it's time to do some loving. And it's true that now i'm less busy, i have time to sit back and appreciate the people and things around me. Live, love, believe is practically behaving like some kind of Maslow's hierarchy.

Been spending the past two nights with Chan Kwang Siong. It's nice to finally be able to talk about stuff other than how tired i am. I really appreciate how he supported me throughout the past few months, bearing with me no matter how unresponsive and cranky i was.

Also have more time to try and catch up with the people whom i haven't talked to or seen over the past few months thanks to my schedule. I miss you people!

I'm able to do my work now, so i'm pretty happy since there's less dissonance. Back to being a full time student ;)

Life's great :D

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