Monday, September 1, 2008

Deja Vu

Yesterday i woke up having this funny feeling that i'd ever thought of what deja vu is before. Then again, i probably did.

Okay not funny i know.

So basically i wiki-ed deja vu. According to Wiki, it's this feeling of familiarity that you get in a situation, like you've been in the exact same situation before, followed by a feeling of eerieness. Often it feels like the same thing happened in a dream and you're acting it out now.

When i was a kid, i used to come up with various 'theories' for these funny feelings of deja vu. Maybe i was simultaneously living in two worlds. Maybe i'm reincarnated, and am replaying my previous life exactly as it was all over again! =o Or maybe i just have this ability to predict stuff in my dreams. Wow. I wish i could =/

According to this guy called Arthur Funkhouser [damn i want his last name], there are three kinds of deja vu - deja vecu, deja senti, and deja visite. Deja vecu means 'already lived', deja senti means 'already felt', and deja visite means 'already visited'. I think the last one's really cool. It's like going to a place that you've never gone before, and yet you find yourself able to navigate around, as if you know that place already.

Some scientific explanations attribute deja vu to stuff like mis-timing of neuronal firing or miscommunication of the two cerebral hemispheres. But of course that's a lot less fun than wondering if you exist in a separate world simultaneously, and for a few moments these two happen to combine or something :D

So yup, that's pretty much it for today's [actually yesterday's] wondering about the world. I wonder what i'll wonder about tomorrow.

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