Sunday, September 14, 2008

Excuses, excuses...

I need to do my IT assignment, but i have to download the MS Office 2007 trial before i can. Since i'm online, i might as well do other important stuff like go on Facebook and play Elven Blood for about half an hour while it's downloading.

I have to print out 2 more annual reports, but i'm feeling sorry for my printer and the paper in it. It needs a rest. So while it's resting, maybe i should rest too :)

I have to read up stuff for Comm Fund, but i don't have the book and the library is about 5 minutes' walk too dang far away. That doesn't mean i can slack! I have to make extra effort to brush up on my communication skills. So i have to talk to as many people as i can on MSN. I know, i know, so hardworking 0:)

I've got an IT presentation that i need to do research on. I've already started! I Googled some pages, and favourited them without reading anything in them.

I have an Accounting test on Wednesday night. But what to study?! I tried reading 3 pages of the textbook already.

The only thing i'm actually interested in doing is to study for my Psych test on Thursday morning. But i'm guilty for not doing the rest of the things i have to do, so i'm not gonna let myself study for it until i finish doing everything else.

GG la.

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