Monday, October 13, 2008

Just so you know.

I was never on anyone's side. I tried my best to mediate, to adopt a neutral and objective stand for all those arguments. But if i'm the bad guy by not supporting your view, then there really isn't much i can do, is there? I can't possibly stand on both sides.

I was pretty angry earlier on because i was being labelled all sorts of things for trying to come up with a solution. If you had something better, i do welcome your initiative in doing something to solve the problem. See, rather than sit there and criticize, maybe you could have taken some action to help.

I sent both of you more or less the same messages. One turned out alright. The other... not-so-alright.

Of course i wouldn't understand. I don't see how i could, if i'm not even allowed to. I said i get you. You said i don't. Not like i can say anything more to change your mind.

I've put in my share of the effort. It takes two hands to clap. If i'm going to have to go the extra mile to make things work, then it's no longer worth it. And no, it's not really that important to me. I just thought it might be a waste to let go.

Or perhaps i should've just left the situation as it was and watch as things continue going downhill. As mediator i guess i never should've interfered at all.

I'm not trying to start any argument nor mend any relations here. I just wanted to present my side of the story.

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