Saturday, October 18, 2008

Senator, thou shalt not sue God

Lincoln (Nebraska): Mr Ernie Chambers. a Nebraska state senator, sought a "permanent injunction" that ordered God to stop causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".

But a judge has thrown out the lawsuit, saying it could not be served because God has an unlisted address.

Mr Chambers filed the suit last year seeking a permanent injunction against God.

The suit listed examples of God's wrath, including "fearsome floods, horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, famine, genocidal wars, birth defects, terrifying tornadoes and the like".

It identified the defendant, said to be "also known by various aliases, titles, names, designations" as "present in all places at the same time".

On Tuesday, the court in Lincoln rules that " there can never be service effecteuated on the named defendant, this action will be dismissed with prejudice".

Mr Chambers, 71, said he filed the lawsuit to make the point that everyone should have access to courts regardless of whether they are rich or poor.

He has 30 days to decide whether to appeal. He said he has not decided yet.

- The Straits Times, World Page C14. Saturday October 18, 2008.

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