Thursday, November 20, 2008

Earning money online.

So instead of studying for my last two exams, i'm sitting in front of the computer looking for ways to earn money through the internet. This is all thanks to my attempts to do affiliate marketing through Clickbank [that wasn't a referral link, go ahead and click -.-].

You see, i was thinking that since i already have a site in which i'm posting articles, i might as well try to earn a little money from it. After all, it's free. Of course, i'm not expecting to earn very much from this sort of thing. Just thought, why not?

The way i'm doing it is by putting affiliate links from my other blog to Clickbank's sites, and i earn commission if people link through me and eventually go on to buy the product. What are the chances? I know it's close to zero at this rate, so i use another site like Ezine to post the same articles that i have on my blog. No extra work done, since i'm already writing articles for my own blog in the first place.

Ezine helps to increase the exposure to my articles, and from there people can link to my blog, whereby they link to Clickbank. A little complicated i know, but it just takes a little effort.

Haven't got anything out of it yet, but i'll update again when i do. It's trusted; KS's friend earns lots from this. I trust it anyways.

Anyway, here's another site where you get paid just to read emails. You'd probably have heard of it, and it's free to join. It's just that it takes quite a long time to accumulate enough money to cash out. Won't be a problem if you have enough referrals [get your friends to join].

I reeeaaally should get back to studying.

1 comment:

Kevin Chan said...

Haha, try using Nuffnang. Sign up for it at It made be some money. Not much, but it's better than nothing, eh? (: Omanytes for the win! All the best for your exams!