Sunday, March 1, 2009


1. When the guest performers came for the second technical run. They came out in wheelchairs. And i personally think they put on a better show than some other items. I feel ashamed. Why can't some people even put in the MINIMAL effort of turning up for rehearsals and practices? It's not even like we're asked to be so passionate about dance, constantly practise at home or whatever, but since you agreed to perform, can't you at least do the basic?

2. When Fabian and Robin were talking about Robin forgetting steps, just while we were leaving Nanyang Audi. Fabian joked that he was going to have to borrow Robin from his girlfriend for the whole week. I'm not sure if i read Robin's emotions wrongly, but the look i saw in his eyes was... something like, "Omfg no." I was pretty touched at how much he desired to spend time with his girlfriend. Yet again, i could be wrong. I might have been reading too deeply.

3. When i was walking from the bus interchange to Jurong Point. I seriously had to stop myself from crying right there. It's been more than 3 years; Boon Lay has changed and everything, and ironically, i felt the same helplessness as when i was there 3 years ago on Sunday nights, sending KS off to camp. Except that now i'm helpless for another reason.

I'm afraid of losing control of my emotions.

I need you darling.

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