Sunday, May 3, 2009

Another cool dream xD

There was a part about a T-rex chasing my friends and i, before it changed into some other kind of monster cloud... but that wasn't really the highlight.

In a subsequent part of the dream [or possibly another dream altogether; i don't know], i was schooling with Samantha in i think SMU or something. And we decided to skip lessons and go to Taiwan.


So there's this construction site somewhere down Raffles Place, where they had a single huge crane thing. And the construction site was labelled - Shihlin.


Like i said, the crane was huge right. So the two of us sat on the scoop of the crane, and it lifted us into the sky. And we were like flying in the clouds and there were bookshelves with books in the clouds, so we could keep ourselves entertained.


It was only like a few minutes later, and then we landed... right in Taiwan's Shihlin. I don't even know what it really looks like, but in my dream there were buildings that looked like housing flats, and a railway station. I was so excited.

And then my alarm clock rang.

Bloody hell i snoozed for 45 minutes after that trying to dream some more but didn't.

Maybe i'll have some other interesting things tonight.


Samantha Lee said...

haha! That's cool. Especially about the mode of transport via crane there with the books in the air. HAHA, seriously?!

Loretta Sze said...

yeah. i bet the books part must be because of you xP