Sunday, May 10, 2009


- High partitions/closed concept office
- Corner of the office
- Closed blinds on windows so people can't see anything outside
- Old and cramped office
- Ancient computers
- Stacks of files taller than me
- Having to start work without an introduction to anyone or the place

Check. I'm officially in my nightmare.

Like i've been telling people - I went to the office on my first day and asked for the person i was supposed to see. She came out to get me, didn't even bother coming within 3 metres of me or giving me a handshake, and told me to follow her to my place, which was a complete corner of the office. Told me to stay there and wait for someone to come and teach me what to do.

That person came. No introduction, to her or the office, and she asked me to do work already. I only knew her name afterward because i heard someone else call her. She only remembered that she should show me where the ladies and the pantry was, after someone else reminded her.

The good thing was, i didn't have to do OT, which was a large improvement from my previous job. Large because besides the OT, this job starts half an hour later and ends an hour earlier than the previous one. In addition, i have company - another NTU Accountancy year 1 undergrad who started one day before i did. We've never seen each other in school, but we have common friends. New friend = makes things better.

Never mind. I always have a lot to complain whenever i start anything new.

On a brighter note, i spent much of yesterday with KS, and the later part of today with my family. I found Libera's CDs at a CD store at Suntec, and bought Eternal. Yay :) I also spent the earlier part of today watching Libera videos on Youtube, and doing research on them :D

I'll be there for you. 'Cause you're there for me too.

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