Thursday, October 15, 2009

Practice practice practice

I always sleep late on Wednesday nights/Thursday mornings. After Soul Funky we'll go for supper and practise/learn flourishing, and then i'll be fiddling with the deck all the way home and before i sleep.

It's almost 3am, i'm still awake and fiddling with the deck. Bad idea.

On the train home Shifu was teaching me new stuff, and we were basically just practising all the way. By City Hall there were 6 people sitting in front of us staring as if we were some kind of freak show. Zzz.

I can't stand it when he does magic. It's frustrating trying to figure out what happens. Grr.

Quiz on Friday aka tomorrow. I haven't really studied. Damn.


Samantha Lee said...

LORETTA SZE! Stop flourishing! haha... go and study you lazy bum :p

Like NOW...............

Loretta Sze said...

I really needed that ><