Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tom Cully.

I don't know how I ended up watching Youtube videos of child singers again, which of course led me back to my favourite Libera. I've still been listening to their songs, though I haven't been actively watching videos like I used to. Then again, it's not like there are new videos of them all the time.

Tom, my favourite soloist, is no longer singing as a treble. He turned 15 this year and his voice broke. It's such a pity; I never got to hear him singing live. They have a concert in Philippines next week, and when I found out about it several months ago, I actually considered going. But oh well. They should really come to Singapore. Hearing them live is one of the things on my bucket list.

The first time I came across Libera was on a video of Michael Horncastle's Far Away. The song was beautiful, but the video wasn't exactly fantastic MTV quality, and I didn't take much notice then. Until I came across the video of Tom Cully's You Were There.

These two songs remain my favourite until now. Other favourites are We Are The Lost by Michael Horncastle and Do Not Stand by Tom Cully. The song Do Not Stand is nice, but Tom takes it to a much higher level. His expression suits the whole thing. It's just amazing. Here it is:

So I decided to go check out Found out that another one of my favourite members, Zack Lockett, has left. Sigh. I wish I had known about Libera sooner. I discovered them at a stage where they were taking in a whole bunch of new members to replace the older boys. Still, i'm thankful to be able to hear Tom Cully's voice. He's phenomenal.

Thank God for recordings.

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