Tuesday, June 22, 2010


They scare me sometimes, the things that go through my head when i'm alone.

I'm not even talking about being emo. It's as though there's this dark part of me that surfaces once in a very long while. I know who it is.

Nothing much. Just walking home alone just now. It was drizzling. There was this guy following closely behind me. Some part of me just wanted to get robbed or attacked, so I could retaliate. Yeah. Like a few months ago I was hoping so much for something like this to happen, I even knew exactly what I wanted to say when it happened.
Ihavenothingtolose. &i'llbringyoudownwithme.
Then again, a few months ago was different.


The moment I put the phone down, I started crying. I don't know why. It wasn't even like we said anything sad. Not even remotely.

I need to stabilise my emotions.

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