Thursday, July 1, 2010

And then...

Random Nice Guy from other department, while I was crawling under the table next to his:
Are you an intern?

Me: Yes.

RNG: Ah, I thought so.

Me: How come?

RNG: Well... You're wearing a temporary pass, and you look pretty young. And... our Finance girls don't usually have tattoos on their backs.

Me: =X

But anyway. He was really nice. Talked to me a bit about my ink and asked what school I was from, then brought me to meet the intern from his department. And after I went back to tagging the assets at the table near his, he asked, "Did you get it from Johnny Two Thumbs?"

Me: -jawdrop- ...Yes. How did you know?

RNG: Ah. Most people get it done there.

Me: -thinking- Whoa.


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