Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So it kinda went like this.

Monday dance practice for next day's performance until 11pm. Went to meet J to get my Soul Funky tee, reached home about half past midnight. Slept around 2. Woke at around 6 to get to school for FOC. Did FOC stuff while waiting and waiting. Headed home to get more stuff and meet J. Went to the chalet and prepared SP stuff. Rushed around like a madwoman because almost everything wasn't going according to plan. Thankfully the programmers were helpful and thankfully J was there. SP interaction finally over, had programmers' meeting. Then main comm meeting. Didn't feel like doing my SP stuff for the next day so just stayed with J and talked a bit. Ended up taking a cab back to his place at 4.45am to take a shower and a 15-minute nap before heading back to the chalet in another cab. Immediately headed out for Sentosa to set up the beach games stuff. Got sunburnt. Took a pickup to amazing race station and got drenched because it started pouring while we were on it. Did SP stuff while doing the amazing race station. Then came back home after all OGs were done. Kept nodding off on the train - while standing. Uber tired.

And i'm about to leave for the chalet again.

1 comment:

Jaspas Deck said...


Mei jia you ;)