Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why women are always on the losing end.

Just some random thoughts from the other day. If you're looking for something objective, you probably shouldn't be reading this.

We learn from the book 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' that men dislike it when women try to 'fix' them [and also, to score points with men, women should forgive their mistakes]. We also learn that women are always trying to improve people.

So the tendency, of course, is for men to get annoyed when women care too much and try to offer their well-meaning advice. They feel like the women are just trying to stop them from doing what they want. If they do listen, then good for the women.

But when men ignore whatever their women say, and go ahead with whatever it is they wanted to do, there are simply two ways it could go. If everything goes well, then of course everything is fine. The man simply finds the woman an irritating nag who gets upset/picks arguments because she was overly worried about something that didn't happen anyway. HER fault.

However, if things do go wrong, the women are supposed to forgive the men for their mistakes. Even though we had warned them beforehand and they insisted on not listening. "I told you so?" Men get pissed off. Still HER fault. And at the same time, whatever consequence the man's actions brought about, the woman has to bear as well.

Of course you're thinking right now, why not just let the man bear his own consequences, then?

Does a man's consequences really affect himself as an individual? If a man falls sick because he doesn't bother taking care of himself, is there really no expectation for his partner to take care of him? And in a really extreme case, if a man kills someone and goes to jail, is he really the only one who suffers?

Is it fair that we bear the consequences for something we were trying so hard to prevent in the first place?

So it looks like all a woman can do to keep her man happy is to keep her mouth shut, be supportive in everything and bear her share of consequences at the end.

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