Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Sony Ericsson C905 - $600
Cash outflow expected within this month/January

Hong Kong trip - $900
Cash outflow expected middle of next year

Bintan trip - $300 [not confirmed]
Cash outflow expected some time next year

Hi, i'm a first-year Accountancy undergraduate from Nanyang Business School. Anyone wants to hire me?

Yes, i'm doing the HK thing because i'm envious of Sam & Dine's pictures. I didn't join them for Taiwan because i had made plans before that, and my plans eventually turned out to be a flop, so GRARRGH.

Just some considerations.

- Disneyland or shopping? I'm so tempted to try staying in the Disneyland hotel, but i'm sure it's going to be a lot more expensive and it'll be quite inaccessible to the city area, as compared to a hotel which is near Tsim Sha Shui/Mong Kok.

- Sightseeing or playing? I'm not really interested in going to see all the attractions, but i'm sure KS would want to. Shopping and Disneyland are a must, so we'll have to balance between those.

- Guided tour or F&E? I'd much prefer the flexibility of a F&E tour, but that might mean that there's a possibility of missing out nice stuff if i don't do the adequate research.

- SIA/Cathay or budget airlines? Safety/comfort or money?

- When to go, and for how many days? Need to find a common time where we're both on holiday, most likely to be around July. I'm thinking 4D3N, because 3D2N seems a little short [the middle day will definitely be spent in Disneyland, the rest will probably be shopping or something, which means not much time for sightseeing]. This will also depend on all the above factors.

I can't wait to go on holiday :)


Kevin Chan said...

HAHAAHHA! Looks like i'm not the only one saving up for a C905!

Loretta Sze said...

Yeah! :)