Monday, September 15, 2008


I believe in rules. Sure I do. If there weren't any rules, how could you break them? ~Leo Durocher

I'm basically going to copy stuff from Wiki because i don't feel like saying anything currently [although yes i've talked about deviance quite a number of times in my other blogs/journals already]. So, umm, yeah. Just a simple post about random stuff :D

"Deviations are not deviant by nature, but are caused when institutions arbitrarily institute particular prescriptions or proscriptions. Therefore, deviation is simply what is defined as not normal by norms, values, or laws."

Merton's Strain Theory
Conformist: Accepts cultural goals and the 'right' means to achieve them.
Innovator: Accepts cultural goals but achieves them in a different way.
Ritualist: Rejects cultural goals but goes about doing stuff the 'right' way.
Retreatist: Rejects cultural goals and institutional means.
Rebel: Seeks new cultural goals and means.

I'm glad i'm among a group of people who all strive to be different :)

But then again, are people deviating to conform? As in, like, everyone wants to be different, so i have to be different to be like everyone else.

Zzz -.-

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