Monday, September 8, 2008

Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)

Snapshot Report
Self-report Component
Subscale IQ score = 87
Subscale percentile = 19

According to your self-report answers, your emotional intelligence is somewhat poor. People who score like you may at times feel that they have trouble dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They sometimes struggle to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are not always able to control their moods. It may be hard for them to understand how best to motivate themselves to overcome obstacles and reach their goals.

In addition, they find social interactions difficult at times, for several reasons. They may have trouble allowing themselves to get close with others, finding it difficult to be vulnerable enough to establish intimacy or perhaps lacking understanding of, or comfort with, social interactions. Perhaps by working on your problem areas, you can become more confident in dealing with your own emotions and those of others.


Well. At least it improved. I'm actually a little surprised because i had thought that my EQ improved quite a bit in the recent months/half a year, and was kinda expecting it to at least be average. Oh well.

I guess i probably suck at interpersonal skills. While i definitely have a lot more friends now, i'd say my list of trusted friends remains at Top 7. I think one significant difference between my trusted friends and other friends is that, if my trusted friends do something i disagree with, i'll tell them. When we get into arguments/have any problems, i insist on thrashing it out with them. I don't mean fight, but discuss calmly and figure out the root of the problem. As for other people, i don't really care. I'd probably just overlook any differences and continue being friends as per normal.

I'd say i'm pretty open about myself and people can easily get stuff out of me, so that's really no biggie. I can tell anyone all the details about me, things that happened, etc. What they usually can't get out of me is what i'm feeling. Particularly if those feelings are negative.

But i still insist that i'm a much happier person now, living my life the way i want to, loving it, believing that things will go the way i want them to :) Life's a game and i'm in control. Woots!

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