Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Student's Worst Nightmare

Except it wasn't in dream form.


I had slept at 2 and set my alarm for 3.15am, with the intention to wake up and continue studying [i had one more chapter i hadn't studied for]. The next thing i knew, the sun was shining outside my window.

The first words out of my mouth were, "Oh f***."

It hasn't ever happened before. I'm just really unlucky for my first time to happen on the day of a test. So anyway i immediately rushed over to school.

Cab fare: $36
Reaching in time to take the test: Priceless

It must have been the dream i was having before i woke up -.- I was dreaming about things that would potentially happen today, like discussing about the Soul Funky performance with Yunning. I guess that made me think that i was already awake and the day was already happening.

That would have been interesting, if it wasn't for the fact that it cost me THIRTYSIX dollars and almost SIXTEEN percent for my Psych module.

I'll go find out about dreams like that, and then blog about it again some other time when my brain's more active.

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