Thursday, September 18, 2008


I think it's kinda ironic that i'm here at 12.43am, starting to study for my Psych test later at 9am, and one of the things i have to study about is sleep deprivation.

Yes, i know sleep deprivation before a test is just gonna make my memory worse/lose concentration yadayadayada. Thing is, i don't even have anything to forget. Yay i think one of my better topics will be about sleep deprivation. Like, please ask me about things people can do due to lack of sleep.

Upon coming home, i went into the kitchen, took off one sock, and walked out of the kitchen with the other sock still on before i realised.

Oh guess what. I can blow soap bubbles out of my right nostril :)

Don't laugh at me. I'll bite your head off.

P.S.: For our accounting projects, we need to analyse two companies. And we have to take the share price as at 19 Sept 2008. LOL. Good luck to those with industries that are affected by the Wall Street crash. Mine's transport :D Lalala~

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