Friday, October 31, 2008


I've been in school for 28 hours and counting. And that actually also means that i've been awake for 28 hours and counting. I freaking stayed up all night in my friend's hall's TV lounge to finish up an IT project.

Yes. IT. Which plays like such a significant role in my accounting career. You don't even see me doing that for Accounting-related stuff; the most i ever did was work overtime until 1am during month-end closing. That's what i find so ridiculous about the whole thing.

Anyway. Something funny and gross that happened yesterday when my 4 other group members and i were walking in the North Spine.

-cockroach scuttles past-
Me: Omgomg cockroach!!! -freaks out-
SH: [trying to warn D, who is walking ahead of us] D, there's a cockroach!
D: -stops in his tracks and turns around- Wha? -simultaneously hears crack coming from beneath shoe-
5 of us: -stare at remains of cockroach after D lifts his shoe-
SH: Err... Nevermind.


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