Friday, October 10, 2008

...And tadaa! Everything appeared.

So maybe the world was created 5 minutes ago. The computer screen i'm looking at was created 5 minutes ago. What i have, what i'm doing was all created 5 minutes ago. And i was created 5 minutes ago with all the memories and knowledge i have now, with the personality i have now, with the family and friends i know of now. I was created, and i just knew everything.


Because i was created for a purpose. My existence means something. I'm not just something created out of nothing; you can't do that.

I can't be continuing to do something that i wasn't doing until 5 minutes ago. Besides, how would i know what i'm doing, just like that? If that was the case, no one would need to learn anything because we just popped into the world knowing everything that we already do.

In that case, there's no such thing as memory as well. What truly is memory is only up to 5 minutes ago, anything else is merely knowledge, the knowledge that was created when i was created 5 minutes ago.


I could be a cell. A puppet. Controlled by a higher being. Maybe i don't think at all. Maybe there's no such thing as life. No autonomy. No one is who he/she really is. Everything in life just falls on you and all you can do is take it. Not like there's anything you can do.

Do you want that? Do you believe that?

I know what i live for. I know what i want. And i'm going to get it.

Are you going to stop me? :)

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