Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm in my IT lesson now!

And we're doing a hands-on lesson on blogging! Yaaay!

Look forward to an improved blog with all sorts of weird stuff tonight xD

Edit [2410082335]: If you visited my blog earlier on, you would have noticed a lot of extra gadgets around. I've removed most of them, leaving only Twitter, which i think is pretty useful [it would be more useful if i could figure out how to send updates through SMS].

So let me briefly tell you about what i had on my blog earlier.

RSS Feeds - Live feeds from various sites. I had CNN's news just now. To get that, scroll to the bottom of the CNN homepage, and you should see a button that says 'RSS feeds' there. Click that, and you should come to a table with many links for different feeds. Copy the URL that you want, paste it into Blogger by adding a feed gadget.

Swicki - This is a personal search engine. You have to sign up for an account and basically just follow the guide to get your Swicki up and running. I haven't really much use for this as i'm still quite attached to Google, but it's interesting to have your own search engine running on your blog. - I like the URL for this site, lol. Delicious helps you share your bookmarks with people. So you input all your favourite pages on Delicious, and put the code on your blog where it'll appear. Then people can go to your recommended sites by clicking on your labels/tags. Pretty useful for stuff like doing projects where you want to share with your group members various websites.

Google Reader - This is provided by Google, where you can RSS stuff from all over the place onto your reader, including even Blogger blogs. If you scroll right to the bottom of this page, you'll see "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)". Click on the link, take the URL from that site, and paste it into Google Reader, and you'll be able to read blog entries from this blog through Google Reader. This makes things convenient because it's like a one-stop place to get information from many sources; you won't have to go to each individual site.

Twitter - As you can see on the right :) It's basically like Facebook's status updates. I'm sure this would be a great application once its community grow bigger. With its mobile device updating function [which i have not figured out how to use yet], people can update others on their status, even on the go! I think this is really good in the sense that i can record down what i'm actually thinking at a certain point in time, so that i won't keep forgetting about things i want to blog about.

I hope you found the above information useful. I didn't =/ Not that it wasn't useful; i probably just haven't found an appropriate use for those applications yet. They're really interesting though, so you might want to check them out :)

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