Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Life's great :D

On Tuesday i bumped into Rachel while i was rushing for something. Subsequently during the lecture, she came over to chit-chat. The familiarity was wonderful :)

Today i bumped into Zhuang Shu while i was walking around in school, Chuan Hui and Fabian [yeah we had Lock course after that so i had to meet him anyway, but that's besides the point] while i was having project meeting, Wei Long who was at SMU [i have no clue why], and Zoe also at SMU [as usual].

Bumping into Zoe was the best la. We saw each other and just started talking like we were continuing an old conversation. The first thing she said to me wasn't, "Hey Loretta!" or "Hi!". It was, "Why are you wearing formal?" Lol.

It's nice because i didn't even notice these people until they called me/tapped me on the shoulder/walked into a radius of about a metre from me/etc. They just pop out of nowhere lol. It's like life's way of reminding me that my social circle isn't as miserable as i thought it was after doing the social networking survey required by the school x)

Edit [1610081523]: And today it was Shu Chun while walking along the corridor, as well as Yong Kai and Si Hui while i was buying bubble tea :D Considering i was in school for a mere two hours [yes i spend more time travelling to and from school than actually being in school itself], that's a lot of people :)

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