Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just some stuff.

Atlantic Starr - Always

Atlantic Starr - Always

Yes, i'm prolly still going on about the wedding thing.

Ryan & Sean's Not So Excellent Adventure
If you've ever watched nigahiga's videos on Youtube, you probably would have either 1. loved them to bits, or 2. hated how stupid they were. Whichever it is, they've come up with a movie! :D I don't think it'll be available in Singapore, but i want to get their DVD! Limin buy together? Can save on shipping lol.

I posted a comment on their latest video asking any other Singaporeans if they wanted to preorder the video together, but the comments are moving so damn quickly that no one will see it -.-

MSN Status
This is the second time i'm saying something about it in a few days; it's just a rant so ignore me unless you share the same view [you can rant in my comments].

When i put my status as 'busy' on MSN, i fucking mean it. At the rate people still bug me regarding all sorts of things when my status is as such, i don't understand why we even have statuses on MSN, when the only two that people actually believe are 'online' and 'offline'.

Scratch that. Someone tries to talk to me, EVEN WHEN I'M APPEARING OFFLINE.

"Hey are you there?"


I put 'busy' instead of 'offline' so that people can reach me when there are IMPORTANT issues, not for you to tell me all sorts of crap that i don't need to know and honestly don't give a shit about.

Which includes, "Aww are you okay? Your personal message seems angsty."


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