Thursday, December 4, 2008

A dream is a wish your heart makes...

...Or not. I can't possibly have a desire to run away from home with a bunch of other teenagers [yes i insist i'm still a teen] and subsequently get caught for trying to leave the country.

But it's kinda cool, no?

I can't really remember how the dream began, but i know we were a bunch of about 8 people including Nicholas, Samantha, Geraldine, Hui Xian [i think], Lionel [i think] and another adult couple i have no idea who [i think]. Yes, weird mix of people. And we either committed some crime or just wanted to go out and have some crazy expedition. I believe it's more of the former.

As far as i remember we ended up floating in the sea looking for lodging, then got attacked by two sharks. Now i know that's impossible, not because there can't possibly be lodging IN the sea, but because sharks don't hunt in pairs -.-

We eventually fought the sharks off anyway. And actually did find some underwater motel thingy to live in, owned by some nice old lady who gave us a small room with 2 beds, so the girls all slept on one while the guys took the other, but i guess more of the time they were keeping watch because there were like people/things trying to get in. I remember for sure Nic was in the dream because he was the brave guy, holding a torchlight and checking out some knocking at the window, which turned out to be a group of rock-climbers. Yes. Underwater. Please don't ask. [I bet your dreams don't make sense either.]

The next thing i remember was breakfast already, because i was thinking of how delicious the instant noodles that the old lady made for us was. Well, maybe i was hungry in the middle of the night =/

And then yeah, we decided to leave the country. I have no idea how we ended up in the sea instead of trying to head to the airport in the first place -.- But we were WANTED people. So cool right! So we tried to keep low profile and smuggle ourselves through, but we eventually got cornered and caught by some stupid security guy who set us up :(

Then we got jailed. Or something. I don't know, but the place looked more like an asylum. [Not that i've been in an asylum to know, but... oh nevermind.]

Cool huh. I found the whole idea of being outlaws in a group pretty cool. Like, it's just us against the whole world now.

Okay anyway. I've always been interested in trying to find out what my dreams mean. Unfortunately there's no fixed method of doing so. Some say that dreams don't even have any meaning at all. According to Freud i'd be dreaming about sex, just like everyone else in the world -.-

Just one of the cooler dreams i had over the past few days [that i remember] :)

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