Thursday, December 4, 2008

I miss my bros.

Good thing we'll be meeting soon, for Quil's birthday :) His is about the only one that we always celebrate [okay maybe mine too]. I'm really looking forward to it. It's like, when i think of how we're going to spend that evening so routinely that the familiarity is so comforting... feels nice.

We'll be at Changi Village and we'll all be late. When Benedict finally arrives because he's the last, we'll go order the food and i always get to stay and jaga the table because they pamper me lol. Quil and Brain will order their chicken noodles. Benedict will order carrot cake and stingray which we'll all share.

After dinner we'll head over to Changi beach, laughing all the way. We'll go to the playground and take silly pictures, or stand at the railings and watch the planes fly overhead, all the while with Quil complaining and Benedict trying to outdo his complaining. This time, Brain won't take part in the complaining because he's already ORD-ed :)

Then we'll head over to the bus stop around 9. If their bus comes first, they'll refuse to board until they see me get up my bus :) Benedict will make me message him when i get back home, but i'll just message him all the way back.

I want to go out with you guys more, but i guess absence makes the heart grow fonder <3 Love you bros always, see you guys soon. Must remember to take epic pictures ^^

Good music makes me think :)

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