Friday, December 5, 2008

Earning through Neobux.

Yes, i've been trying out yet another pay-to-click [PTC] website, called Neobux. I only joined yesterday, but i've already got 9 cents. Compare this to Emailcashpro, where you'll probably reach this amount only after a week or so? Neobux looks promising.

1. You don't get emails sent to you.
Instead of accessing the advertisements through your email inbox, the advertisements are displayed on Neobux's user-friendly site, so you won't have your inbox cluttered up with advertisements. The idea is the same, visit the site for 30 seconds and you'll get credited with $0.01 per advertisement.

2. Renting referrals.
This is an interesting concept. Instead of trying to refer people by yourself, you can rent your referrals by paying a small amount... about $0.30 per referral. Apparently what i've seen from other reliable sources is that these referrals are pretty active too, so you don't have to be too concerned about getting dead referrals who don't do any clicking. As soon as i reach $0.90, i'm gonna get me some referrals :D I just have to keep reinvesting and i'm sure the money will come in soon.

3. Payment proof.
The forum in Neobux is full of it. I think you'll be impressed if you take a look! If those are too distant to you, do check out SGClub forums; lots of people have good things to say about Neobux. It's where i heard about it in the first place :)

The only problem i've had so far is that i don't have an Alertpay/Paypal account, which are the only ways in which Neobux is paying. I signed up for an Alertpay account, not sure if it's reliable enough but i've seen people getting their money through it. I'll post once i get mine :D

If you're online everyday like me, why not spare a few clicks to earn some extra moolah? ^^

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