Friday, December 26, 2008

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

I've only read half the book, but i'm already feeling rejuvenated and excited. I know it's probably going to be another of my 三分钟热度 things again, but hopefully i'll gain at least something little out of it.

It's a good book, really. I can really relate to all the stuff - it's like the book was written for me. Then i realised we're not as different from other couples as i thought we were. I always say that we're complete opposites, but the book helped me to understand that some of those opposites are natural and to be expected.

There aren't many problems with my relationship now [as compared to previously; we're a much happier couple now] but i'm sure there are ways the whole thing can be improved. Looking forward to it :)

Oh, and to my new phone tomorrow ^^

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