Saturday, December 27, 2008


It's a little too early to be doing a summary essay for the year, and i don't even remember what happened throughout the whole year to be able to do so, but anyway. This was triggered by Quil, who keeps talking about his summary essay.

In 2005, we agreed to write a 5,000 word essay, but i think neither of us managed to. This year, i'm not even going to attempt the same thing. I'm just trying to read my LJ to recall the things that happened.

2008 felt like such a long year, but when i read my entries, i can clearly remember writing each of them, how i felt at each point in time, and every moment that i wrote down. Perhaps it's because i wrote so few entries this year. Only 50+ maybe? It's kinda sad, because when i started out with LJ, i had almost an entry everyday on average.

A few things that left lasting impressions on me though, are:

- Graduating from Temasek Poly, including spending much of the final semester chionging projects
- Genting trip with my coursemates; my first trip abroad without my family/boyfriend
- My first proper working experience, where i experienced month-end closing
- Wu Zone recital and the rehearsing process, as well as the fun post-production party
- Getting my tattoo
- Starting school in NTU and feeling helpless all over again, yet finding friendship where i'd least expect it :)

Gained some friends and lost some. Particularly in a time where i moved from one stage of my life to another, again. These are the times where the friends you can keep [or F.U.C.K.s - okay i'm just kidding] differentiate themselves from others who just make fleeting appearances in your life. I miss my poly friends and the times we spent, but the future has much more to offer, and i hope to meet them again when i work next time :)

My new friends in NTU are really nice. I have many acquaintances, from Ayden, my class, and Soul Funky, but no one i can truly hang around with all the time. This makes me a lot less secure than i felt in poly, but it's alright, it'll get better when i'm back to school :)

And those friends who stayed with me as i moved from one stage of my life to another, whom i can always count on to be there no matter what. Love you guys so much <3

I learnt a lot in 2008, and changed quite a bit. I don't know how to put it, but while everything seems so fresh in my memory, the whole year seems to have dragged on for ages and ages. Welp. It's coming to an end now anyway, so let's all look forward to a better year ahead!

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