Friday, January 9, 2009


Funny title, i know, but that's really what this post is about.

I was surfing blogshops [yes, instead of doing schoolwork], and i came across this picture. The focus is the top, of course, but the first thing i noticed was actually the hair. Probably because i've been intending to cut my fringe to look something like the picture, because otherwise i have to sweep it aside into a centre parting, which annoys Limin, and makes me look bald.

And if i don't sweep it aside, it makes me look like this:

I've kept my fringe short for ages already, but i didn't really want to now with the extensions, because i don't want to end up looking like those cutesy models in blogshops. Especially since i'm definitely not cutesy. And i don't want to spend $10 on just cutting my fringe.

Okay when grandma comes over i'll get her to help me cut -.-

Edit [1434]: I just heard a song playing on the TV outside, and recognised it as one of 信乐团's songs. Decided to go through all their songs again, because i haven't heard them for a long time. So i played all their songs on random. And the first one that came up was the one on TV -.- Coincidences.

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