Sunday, January 11, 2009


Went to the eye doctor to get my eye checked yesterday. Yes, finally, after like 5 - 6 years. And he found out what's causing my tearing problem.

My yellowish eyes are caused by pigmentation; it's normal. So quit freaking out, i'm not a werewolf, and really, my eyes aren't THAT yellow. Maybe just off-white.

I've really got perfect eyesight. In fact, i'm +25, meaning that i'm actually long-sighted by a bit, which is even better. All babies are born long-sighted, and it gradually deteriorates. I guess i've still retained a bit of my baby vision -.-

The nurse put some eyedrops to make my pupils dilate, in order for them to do some check, so subsequently for a few hours everything nearby was a blur, and everything outdoors was way too bright.

Ah here's the interesting part. They gave me some painkiller drops, then the doctor put an injection into my right tear duct. He said if i tasted anything in my throat i could just swallow it.


So he injected some saline solution into my right tear duct, and I ACTUALLY FELT THE LIQUID RUNNING DOWN MY THROAT AHH GROSS. I never knew the tear duct, nose, and throat were linked.

Then he tried on my left tear duct. Nothing happened. The saline solution just came back out. That means it's blocked, and explains why i've been tearing on my left eye for ages and ages. Apparently this kind of thing usually happens to people over 40. Oh well =/ Lol. Requires a bit of surgery to fix, but don't think i'll be going for it. Spent years having this problem and i'm still fine -.-

Yay now i got fixed answer to people who ask, "Why're you crying?"


L I M I N (: said...

so u keep tearing because your tear duct can't store e liquid?
what's e use of e saline solution?

Loretta Sze said...

Because my tears can't go down into my throat, where it's supposed to go usually. It's just a test to see whether liquid can go through my tear duct =/

L I M I N (: said...

okay ew.. \= then when u cry or wdv why can't e tears go down e throat but out of e eyes?

Loretta Sze said...

Because blocked =/ Somewhere along the tear duct, not sure where though.