Monday, January 12, 2009

Life is a Punishment for Errant Immortals

I want to have a blog post today, but i don't know what to talk about, so here's something i wrote ages ago that means something to me.

Once upon a time, everyone lived in the large large place in the sky called Heaven. No one knew what 'Life' was, because as far as they knew, theirs never ended. There wasn't any point in naming something that meant their existence. Thus, many started taking their 'Lives' for granted, as well as those around them.

Immortals were mean to each other. They had high expectations of everyone and were never grateful for anything. Needless to say, chaos reigned and no one was ever happy. [Okay, this paragraph is exaggerated a lot.]

So one fine day, the Supreme Being decided to teach these immortals a lesson. They were to be sent down to a jail called Earth, to experience what it was like to have a Life. A beginning and an end. Their stay on Earth would depend on how grave their sins of 'grantedness' were.

The worst of the lot would be granted over 100 mortal years of jail, to experience sadness, anger, pain, illness and loss throughout their Lives. Those who had a lighter sentence were able to return to Heaven after a shorter period of time, after having learnt their lessons of not taking Life for granted. There was even a chance for good immortals to take a short trip down to Earth to experience Life for a short while. These were usually sent to Earth as animals, and experienced a smaller magnitude of emotions, if any at all.

So you see, immortals who were punished with Life experienced all sorts of suffering; plagued with sickess, pain, angst, conflict, hatred, and the most painful of all, the loss of a loved one. A longer jail term meant a higher chance of experiencing the last more often during Life.

They always say good people die first. Maybe that's why.

Wrote this in my Multiply on 21 November 2007.

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