Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Talk about a waste of time.

I'm in school from 8.30am to 9.30pm. That makes 13 hours. Out of this 13 hours, 7 aren't spent in lessons. Only 6 are. I spend 1h 45min to come to school and another 1h 45min to get back home. That makes 3.5 hours spent on travelling.

I've wasted 10.5 hours out of my 24 hours.

So you see, if i spent any more time on sleep, i'd be cutting into productive time. After all, i have at least 3 hours a day to sleep on public transport.

Anytheway. Today a few of my new classmates and I discovered how small the world was. I was with one of them after we had gotten our food and were heading back to our table, when i caught sight of my secondary school friend/basketball teammate sitting at another table. Both of us stopped there.

"Eh hi! Hi! Huh you know her? You know each other?"

Oh and everyone seems to know Yuan Bin and Jian Hui -.- When i went for the ambassador interview thingy, my group leader knew them. And now the classmate i mentioned above also knows the both of them. And when we added each other on Facebook, it turns out that we also have another friend in common who's my poly friend, who happens to know the both of them as well.

The trigger word is Popping and Locking.

"So what CCA are you in?"

"Erh. Dance."

"What kind of dance?"

"Popping and Locking."

Which leads to two outcomes:
1. -blank stare-
2. "Popping and Locking? OHH! You know so-and-so?/So you can do this -does some robotic thing-?"

I digress.

So now classmate R has 5 friends in common with me, including Yuan Bin, Jian Hui, a poly friend and two secondary school friends. Classmate J is good friends with my boyfriend's friend. I don't know why it seems so little now when i write it down than when we were talking about it earlier on, but it is.

I'm bored. 2 more hours to kill.

1 comment:

Ruby said...

You should bring a book or newspapers. There's nothing worse than wasting time in school. :/