Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So excited.

Waiting for the right time to go over to hall 16 for Locking. No i'm not really excited about that.

What i'm really excited about is the day Soul Funky's gonna wear nice nice then go around all the nice nice places in NTU and take nice nice photos! :D I'm not sure if that day's gonna come, but still.

I already have a list of places in mind! :D:D:D

On top of ADM, top floor of any of the school buildings, hall 16 studio, the secluded area below Can A that we practise at sometimes, the long staircase on the outside of Nanyang Audi [not the North-South spine staircase], the highest point in NTU [i don't know exactly where it is yet], or just any really cool place [usually the roof of any building]!

Yay :)

Okay time to go liao.

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