Sunday, March 29, 2009

Itching to go on holiday.

It's like a sign or something.

Yesterday i was looking through Facebook and i saw a friend who went for overseas CIP. In freakin MALDIVES. Omg you don't know how much i'm dying to go there. It's super beautiful; the colour of the water is enough to warrant going there for ANYTHING. I wanna go there at least once in my lifetime :)

And then this morning, i went onto Facebook again and saw some photo updates from my poly Law lecturer. She's pretty young and had just gotten married last year. Both her and her husband love diving and they've got an underwater camera. They went to Maldives for their honeymoon last year and the pictures they took are...



But anyway. This time they went to some other place, and omggggg. Let's just say some of the more beautiful things in the world can be found underwater.

They took pictures with a sea turtle! I've never even seen a real life one in its natural habitat. When i was at the Great Barrier Reef someone else saw it, but i didn't :( And also lionfish, stonefish, stingray...

I'm starting to change my mind about not letting KS learn scuba-diving [because of his ear problem]. Snorkelling just can't compare with scuba-diving, although it's a lot safer.

-thinks of time when KS and I snorkelled at Krabi and all we saw were a whole shoal of the same kind of fish, all staring back at us-


When we went there, our boatguide was an English woman who had moved to Krabi, and her Thai husband. She'd been a lawyer back in England, but decided to move to Krabi for a reason i can't remember. And now she's just living a simple life by the sea with her husband, making a living out of boating, snorkelling and all that.

That sounds like the kind of life i want to live :)

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