Friday, July 17, 2009

Unidentifiable Feeling Overall (UFO)

I was doing my planning for my Taiwan trip, and it struck me how close it was to the trip. I had started my research and planning months ago, during my exam period, but after my exams the research didn't seem so interesting anymore.

I had Chinese pop songs playing - those from the years that i was a mad fangirl - and chanced upon a nice blog with many pictures from the blog owner's Taiwan trip like two years ago.

Looking through the pictures and listening to the music gave me this indescribable feeling [ah there's the word from my AA102 group]. Something like a mix between anticipation and excitement about the upcoming trip, yet nostalgia about the idol-chasing days, with some element of desire and sadness. I really don't know. It's bittersweet.

And it's almost 2am. That probably also contributed to the weird feelings.

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