Friday, August 21, 2009

Fort building.

Recently there has been a trend on MLIA where people build forts. Today, i finally decided to see what the fuss was all about. I spent about 15 minutes building my fort. And about an hour before that researching how to build forts.

It's basically my bed. It's a good thing i sleep on a sofabed, so all i had to do was prop up the head end of it, then put two chairs at the end, and draped my blanket over. Minimal effort, and the interior of the fort is already a mattress. I put my tablelamp in there as well, since i have a powerpoint nearby.

Check it out :D

Justin saw and he wanted one too, so we made one for him since he has the exact same bed and blanket. You probably think we're dorks, but i bet deep down you want one too :D


Kevin Chan said...


-end- said...

so cool! i want one too!

Loretta Sze said...

You should all build forts and take videos of it :D