Saturday, November 28, 2009


So here I am, posting with my new Lenovo notebook [yeah China brand, whatever]. The result of my phailed reformatting yesterday. I find it really sudden. Within 24 hours I had a perfectly working laptop, then upon reformatting an error turned up that I couldn't even fix, and then I went to buy a new laptop.

But yeah. I guess this one's better somehow. The specs are much better of course. I didn't spend as much as I did on my previous laptop, but I forked out the money for this one entirely on my own.

Don't expect too much this Christmas =/


Felt really productive since the end of exams. On the last day of my exams, I didn't even go back home to sleep immediately after the paper. KS came over to accompany me. Yesterday and today [or the day before and yesterday] I went to SITEX. And did a whole bunch of other stuff. Ah, feels good.

Gotta study for diving! Soon. For now, bed.

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