Sunday, November 15, 2009

ISFP - The Artist

You are a very special individual that needs to have a career that is more than just a job. You will not be fulfilled in a routine job that does not hold special meaning you. Therefore you should seek opportunities based on interests you have passion for and areas of work that meet your inner beliefs.

You need an environment where you can be free to follow your natural tendencies and therefore structured corporate environments will not suit you well. Many major artists have been ISFPs.

Some of your personality traits include:
* Keen awareness of their environment
* Live in the present moment - "Live."
* Enjoy a slower pace - you like to take time to savor the present moment - As above.
* Dislike dealing with theory or abstract thought, unless you see a practical application
* Faithful and loyal to people and ideas which are important to you - "Love."
* Individualistic, having no desire to lead or follow - Not entirely true, I like to lead, but I don't force it.
* Take things seriously, although you frequently appear not to.
* Special bond with children and animals - Not sure about children, but animals yes :)
* Quiet and reserved, except with people you know extremely well - Very true.
* Trusting, sensitive, and kind - Not sure about trusting, but I do hope the other two are true.
* Service-oriented; you're driven to help others - Explains all the volunteering?
* Extremely well-developed appreciation for aesthetic beauty - Hmmm kinda. The boyfriend never understands.
* Likely to be original and unconventional - Yeah I hate to be the same as others. Most of the people I know are also like that, though.
* Learn best with hands-on training
* Hate being confined to strict schedules and regimens - Not entirely true. I like structure.
* Need space and freedom to do things your own way - Burger King: Have it your way.
* Dislike mundane, routine tasks, but will perform them if necessary - Explains my job.

Some of your suggested careers are:
* Artist - That why I said...
* Musician / Composer - ...I should've been in ADM...
* Designer - ...when my Comms tutor asked about all my arty interests.
* Child Care / Early Childhood Development
* Social Worker / Counselor - I've been saying I wanted to go into this.
* Teacher - I can't teach, unfortunately.
* Psychologist - Would like to, but can't deal with the maths side of it.
* Veterinarian - Wanted to be one when I was a kid.
* Forest Ranger - Awesome, if only we had such stuff. I wanted to volunteer for NParks that time.
* Pediatrician

That's funny. I used to get INFP/ENFP. But this is true to quite a large extent. My previous results from other personality tests usually apply to my circumstance/situation at that point in time. This particular one has mentioned traits/things that applied to me since I was a kid.

Therefore i'm in the wrong profession.

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