Saturday, December 19, 2009

First open water dive!

It's not exactly as fantastic as it sounds.

We had to wake up at 5 plus in the morning just to get to the meeting venue, so I ended up being pretty snappy. Set up our equipment the moment we stepped on the boat, and took a half-hour journey over to Pulau Hantu. Upon reaching we geared up and entered the water.

The visibility really sucks. According to the instructor, Jeremy, it was about 2 metres. It seemed like half a metre to me. Can't see beyond 3 people next to me. And I mean COMPLETELY cannot see. We descended to about 8 metres the first time and 10 metres the next [due to rising tide], equalizing every few seconds, then did the exercises underwater.

It was scary, especially since I was the first person down and the last person up [we have to follow a rope out, then back]. Many people got cut on the rocks and stuff, or stung by whatever it is that's down there. My fingers on my right hand all got cut. Nothing too serious; only the middle finger one is pretty deep. Hurts now when I flourish =/

First dive took about 50 minutes and second dive took about 45 minutes. During the second dive, while KS and I were doing the alternate air source exercise, his alternate broke and I took in a deep breath of saltwater. The instructor supervising us had to quickly pass me HIS alternate. Okay la; in a way, I still got the exercise done -.-

Saw nothing but sand and silt, since we were right at the bottom. And water. On the ascent and descent, there were some fish nearer to the surface. Weren't close enough for me to see any colour though.

Yeah. That's pretty much it. KS and I won't be going for tomorrow's open water dive 2, because he has something on. So... I'll be getting my certification after next Sunday :)

Can't wait to go somewhere where I can actually see something.

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