Sunday, December 20, 2009

Just some random stuff.

Finally a day where I had nothing scheduled for the whole day and I was actually bored. I'm so used to having so many things to do during this holiday that when i'm free, I don't know what to do. It's good; it means i've been really productive. So much more productive than the entire school semester.

So I just spent some time with my cards. Nothing out of the ordinary, just practising stuff over and over. There wasn't much else I wanted to do. Just wait. And wait.


Had a talk with Tee Wee that spawned the super long post that now sits on the Soul Funky blog. Oh well. I had a similar talk with Fabian in the beginning of the year. I'm afraid i'm starting to see a cycle. One reason why I didn't want to take up the position.


I need to settle my Christmas gift schedule. Need to give out those gifts within 2 days.

Also need to settle like a gazillion gatherings with like a gazillion people.


Sleep first.

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