Sunday, December 6, 2009


Randomly decided to go flip through some of my old fanfics. To my surprise, my winglin one is still there after 6 years. Only the completed one, though; the incomplete one has been deleted. Dang, I liked that one.

I also have a few other stories that are... less immature. Discovered them through my long-lost freewebs account. It's now just called 'webs'. I have a short 4-chapter story there that I managed to somewhat complete, and I kinda want to post it. Let me know if you wanna read it [lol if you do]. It's actually kind of a rant that relates to my life - the characters are Mingdao, Cyndi and Shaowei. Yeah.

I even have a one-shot fic of Naruto characters + 1 OC. LOL.

Hmmm. I feel like writing another.

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